What is Dot Matrix Printer? Type of computer printer that uses tiny hammers in its print head to strike pins over an inked ribbon to form characters or images on paper, and is used mainly for multi-part forms. For general printing, dot matrix printers have largely been replaced by cheaper and faster non-impact printers such as ink jets and lasers which also produce output of far better quality (resolution). Long after the arrival of laser printers, dot matrix printers have been used to print continuous multi-part forms and mailing labels. The tractor feed contains a sprocket that grabs the perforated holes at both sides of the form and pulls it through uniformly. Dot matrix printers print columns of dots in a serial fashion. The more dot hammers (pins), the better looking the printed results. The print head can get very hot. Unlike laser and inkjet printers, which can create characters of any size, dot matrix printers have limited options. Hammers Hit the Ribbon ...
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